Category Archives: Sawmyl Synders

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Egg Incubation Humidity

The Brinsea company’s incubation instructions are very informative on every aspect of the incubation process.  Following are some of the things I learned.

The egg needs to lose between 13% to 15% between the time of laying and pipping.

There are two guides that help indicate correct humidity:

  1. The air cell increases as incubation proceeds.  To see this you should candle the eggs.
  2. The other indicator is weight loss.

There are two controllable factors that influence humidity:

  1. The amount of water surface area.
  2. The amount of fresh air that that the incubator draws in.

What a Registered Veterinary Technician’s profession Entails

The Registered Veterinary Technician profession acts in a support role to the Veterinary clinic.  The Veteranarian, the clinic, the animal owners and the animals benefit directly and indirectly from the functions and tasks performed by this licensed or certified individual.  Like a hospital nurse, the Vet Tech makes sure that the needs of the veterinarian, animal owner, and subject animal are met with high standards and thorough results.

At intake, the Tech may have to restrain or stabilize the animal.  An accurate history will be taken from the owner.  These results will have to be properly documented into the clinic system.  In support of the veterinarian, this professional may additionally be take X-Rays and samples, and prepare animals and instruments for surgery.

Customers need to be questioned, advised and trained with accuracy and consideration.  Routine procedures such as trimming nails, expressing glands and removing sutures occur regularly.  Administering prescribed medications and supervising veterinary assitants are also in the Tech’s remit.  The Vet Tech wears many hats in the support of his professional duties.

The Difficulties of Genuine Friendship

The promise made to the friend concerned when the depression could be lifted and the relationship resumed.  The conditions were out of everyone’s’ hands.  The moroseness allegedly surfaced when the rains drowned the old man’s hopes.  His hopes floated on the notion that work and tasks brought satisfaction and happiness, but that was not all.  Most of all the buildings, barns and beasts existed so approval could be had.  With approval came fleeting happiness. Fleeting happiness brought relationship.

The rains continued to wash the dirty banks and erode the synthesized sanity.  Normally this weather didn’t stay that long but she remained collapsed on this segment of country as if to prove a point or bring the fragile farmer to his senses and to admit that his outer show differed from his inner truth.  That until he admitted to his lie, she would continue her onslaught, indifferent to his pain and fading hope.

Whiskey and women would not be the answer so the old wanna be farmer decided to give a kind of faux honesty a try.  He would look the part of goatherd with shepherd crook, and blue chambray button down, and a Quaker’s broad brimmed straw hat.  High muck boots and whiskers on the chin added to the appearance, but that was all it was.  The answer was not there for him to find.  He might as well abandon his behavior and get back to doing something.  Even something that could not possibly gain him approval.

Even then, he still found it difficult to have a genuine friend.

Feb 9, 2015 Monday

W. Somerset Maugham

Alternate dramatic material with thoughtful

  1. …”he begins the relationship by threatening to beat her…”
  2. …revelations, choose, pivotal, intrigue
  3. …just when you think…surprise…but prepare your reader

Edgar Rice Burroughs

  1. begin in this world, transition to fantasy
  2. Names: women euphonious, heros strong, enemies dastardly, flat characters long
  3. conflict is the engine that drives the  story forward
  4. romance makes stories retain an element of believability



  • Sonic: Shanikwa, nice as a grammy, mind like a trap, but ears on another planet, always requiring a certain repeat of  the same and simple order, always causing me to push my body half out of my truck, either truck, and threaten to beat her if I must repeat the burrito order one more time.
  • KSF: Something stirred in him, then escaped its hiding place, but he must gather it and replace it before an employee or patient came through the door and discovered the activity, though mundane and messy, getting messier if the truth exposed itself to a hapless inquiry.
  • Writing: The arising and arousal turned to tedium and apathy, and the work was hardly started, hardly even writing, and much less appealing as the hours went by than the electric connection which took the writer to another place where he lost it, lost for just a brief interlude.


  • Paint: They looked similar if not the same, but looks aren’t everything, and in fact quick looks lead to bad decisions, and bad decisions lead to do overs, and do overs lead to tomorrow, tomorrow may never allow for this do over because, as do overs pile up, this last one may lose its place in line, if not in mind.
  • Library: Albert Camus, another brilliant mind born out of extreme poverty and want, a philosophy shaped so clearly by circumstance, unique circumstance, circumstance that could not be comprehended by those of like mind or like circumstance, and left the recognized genius with dwindling friends and a philosophy embraced and called Absurdism, but his interpretation, as he saw it, became another form of absurdity, an absurdity that ferreted out absurdists who practiced in name only, while he practiced not at all, concluding that such practice would be absurd.
  • Jose: The stranger, Jose Guannas Cruedya , arrived at my gate, his captivating woman ignoring us both, her name was Seana Luciana Calusa, his bad intentions not apparent until those intentions took the time to pass through my interpolation, immediate conclusions that frightened me, depressed me, pleaded with me to escape, divert, and drink; working myself into the paranoid, the familiar paranoid, the familiar give-it-up paranoid who made me what I am today.


  • House: Erotica, but wait, the who made it more interesting, then an emergency got more attention, before details were supplied, captured this viewer
  • Dick:  My brother came up for air and answered my weekend text, he thought I was making it up, but I was coughing it up, from Wikipedia, and, although he normally Googles my stuff, he replied with a non-sequitur jingle, but I wouldn’t have it, so gave him another clue, a clue that if followed would lead him to the response I wanted, and a discovery he would have never made if I hadn’t discovered it first.
  • JC: She’s a talker, like me, and she’s frustrated by the not talking, less-than-cerebral life partner she is with, like me, and she needs an outlet, like me, and sometimes when I’ve concluded that I’ve done it all wrong, which I have, I, nevertheless am the only game left in town…for her.