Category Archives: St. Isidore

The Man at the Gate

Chapter 10 of Bishop Doyle‘s book – Unabashedly Episcopal


Acts Chapter 2.47 Praising God and winning the approval of all the people.  Day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Acts Chapter 3

  • Cure of the Cripple

1 three o’clock

2 “the beautiful”

3 alms

4 fixed gaze

5 whole attention

6 Peter said: “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.

7 the beggar’s feet and ankles became strong

8 walking, jumping about and praising

9 when the people saw him

10 sit at the Beautiful Gate

Peter’s Discourse

15 You put to death the author of life

17 I know that you acted out of your

22 …raise up…a prophet…from among your own kinsmen…

26 God sent his servant to bless you by turning you from your evil ways.

Chapter 4.9 If we must answer today for a good deed done to a cripple and explain how he was restored to health, then you and all the people of Israel must realize that it was done in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean…

When there is a father figure showing the way, one can be productive.

Short term gimmicks can lead to productivity that appears miraculous.

You have to catch fish in order to learn how to fish.

In time gimmicks need to be retired.

One has to feel productive before becoming productive.

It doesn’t matter how much or how many but how and how well?

At the end of every day …our…actions speak louder than our…promises.


It Matters How You Live

The Rich feast sumptuously while the poor get sores.

Those who received good things will be in agony in hell.  Those who received evil things will receive comfort far away.  No one can cross from hell to here.

If those receiving good things will not listen to the living they will not listen to those rising from the dead.

Luke 15:32  The brother of yours was dead, and has come back to life.  He was lost, and is found.

Luke 16:19-31  …you were well of in your lifetime, while [he] was in misery…

Luke 17:1-2 Scandals will inevitably arise, but woe to him through whom they come.  He would be better off thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck than giving scandal to one of these little ones.

It matters how the rich man in the house treats the poor man lying at his gate.

Care for the sheep who have no shepherd.

If you love the shepherd, feed the sheep.  John 21:15, 17

We are responsible for the people in our lives and for the people around us.

Radical message is to radically reconfigure family to mean each one is a brother or sister.

If one has taken responsibility for me, I should take responsibility for my community.

Not just the few, the very few, that we like.

Someone is standing at the gate waiting for us.

We can take up our responsibility for one another, and share our lives…


Good and Dangerous News

Act out of deep care and solidarity with the suffering.

Each day one comes to the gate hoping to receive some measure of kindness.

No gold or silver but something better.  Acts 3:1-8

A source of transformation for hurt and need.

Out-narrate the rival narratives about what the world is…

Live so that others are attracted to our character and peace…

“…after his resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven and at the end of the age he will come in glory to judge the living and the dead…” The narrative is that both the living and the dead will be judged…

Go further with unique proclamations…

The Baptismal Covenant:

  1. Supported by
    1. Scripture,
    2. teachings,
    3. prayer,
    4. sacraments
  2. Mission work sends us into the world to enact the gospel for Jesus:
    1. first,
    2. last
    3. always
  3. Outreach meets the needs of the whole person:
    1. spiritual
    2. physical
  4. Proclaim the reign of God in
    1. voice
    2. action
  5. Believers are
    1. taught
    2. baptized
    3. nurtured
  6. Respond by serving
  7. Transform unjust
  8. Seek sustainable and renewing initiatives that redeem humanity and creation
  9. Root outreach and mission in
    1. Scripture
    2. Tradition
    3. Reason
  10. Meet the needs of others by joining hands with those with different
    1. theology
    2. ideology
    3. identity
  11. Change by serving and walking with the
    1. poor
    2. voiceless
    3. oppressed
  12. God’s grace saves us and gives us power to serve & act

The story of our faith is what we are given and what we have to offer.


  • Epi means on or above
  • Scope means to see in order to act, to target, to observe


Sharing the mission and a Message

Meet people outside our doors as a responsibility.


A common mission prepares us to meet the people outside our door because we have received grace and mercy.

In order to meet God at his gate, I must hold the hand of the one outside my gate.

In order to come to rest in the bosom of Abraham I must arrive holding the hand of the one sitting at my gate of comfort.

Knowing When You’re Being Guided by the Hand of God

When you’re doing things that don’t make sense to anyone, but they getting results, they are satisfying your needs and not hurting anyone.  When the ones you care about don’t see the point in your objectives and you can’t get anyone to listen to you.  When your life slowly, slowly rises while others falter and strangle and the proof, the only proofs you have are the results, the sure better way in a rejecting world.  You may have been guided by the hand of God.

Not being religious and not believing in the tenets of the Christian faith, this is a bold statement on my part.  But how else to explain it?  Illogical to everyone but inspiring to me.  Doomed to failure but ultimately a subtle success.  Impossible in the eyes of the wise yet being accomplished by someone with no chance of success.  With no encouragement, little help, incessant ridicule and criticism, something of lasting value is created and rises up from the ashes.  Something precious to others who are capable and sought by others with with resources, that something coming to one with no capability to attain it, no resources to secure it.  When the crazy person finds the hidden treasure and those weighted and balanced are left holding only their malice, you may have been guided by the hand of God.

The proofs that God is guiding you are very hard to see.  Mostly in hindsight they are.  Completely blemished they may be.  Never bold and underscored will they appear.  Because they are illogical and unexplainable they are wonderful not miraculous.  Because the guidance comes not from present rationale or past training and bread crumbs on the path… There will be mistaken paths…There will be harmful failures…  There will be disheartening betrayals…  There will be growth and maturity and scars…  These are the proofs.  Along with the knowledge that something went right when everything went wrong.  That someone stayed with you when everyone abandoned you.  That when all is lost you can still be found.  Just when the silence and the censor and the cynicism haunt you and seek to crush your flagging hopes and disparaged dreams, you see a light.  You get back up.  You leave the dried blood to cover your wounds.  You savor the pain radiating from you your bruises.  You seek to understand the abandonment of those you trusted.  And you get back confidently on the path…you must have been lifted and now you are guided by the hand of God.

You are a joke if you don’t think the ridiculers are funny.  You are ignored if you have an opinion without credentials.  You are crazy if you stand alone with the truth.  Being guided by unseen forces means that your intensity will almost always put you at odds with someone who is more convinced than intense.  More arrogantly right than actually correct.  More interested in self interest than self enlightenment.  Yes, order has its place, but disorder is always waiting to enter into a structure that only honors credentials and might and tradition.  No one deserves anything.  Every one is free to take.  Only the strong will get it.  But the patient and persistent and persevering can be served.  Served at a later time than the time of avarice.  The time of confrontation.  The time of win and lose.  This will seem to be the position of the weak, which I am.  All the same, it is some kind of truth.  A kind of way that balances the dominating haves with the masses of have nots.  When you can hold on to only hope as you watch the tangible blow away in the wind, you might be being guided by the hand of God.

Being disposable is a tough role to exist in for your entire life.  Having your trust, loyalty, and hard earned money pave the way for another’s pleasure or success or good life can be devastating if dwelt upon.  So don’t do it.  Let go of it.  Trust is your own mis-confection and a lesson learned for future application (too bad it is so often forgotten).  Loyalty is your own bad choice and your are surely not alone on this one (too many wars and not enough families have suffered from poor, abused loyalty).  Money?  Money is the easiest thing to fix.  Jimmy Buffett sings “I made enough money to buy Miami, But I pissed it away so fast…”.  You can always misapply your trust again.  You can always find someone or something else to affix your loyalty to…and have it slip, then slide, then fall on the floor of fate like the other loyalties that didn’t stick.  Money isn’t a matter of acquiring, it’s a matter of pursuit.  If the values in your life have no value to the non-trustworthy, disloyal, and wealthy – you are one the path, guided by the hand of God.

Loss still has to hurt.  Harm still has to draw blood.  Abandonment will still take its toll.  Make no mistake, listening to the voices no one else can hear brings more immediate hardship than listening to those who everyone can hear but bring long term but only temporary comfort.  Infestation, infection, and pestilence are part of the dynamic always going along for the sake of protection, health, and belonging.  Leaving the herd not only exposes one to the pain of rejection but also the frigid steppes of the unknown.  The cave of solemnity is also the cave of salvation.  Sit by its meager fire.  Feel your wounds slowly, painfully, blessedly heal.  Commune with the emptiness which surrounds you, haunts you, enlightens you.  These are the moments you will remember through the many stages of your life.  Stages begin and end up until the end.  But moments of clarity and maturity occur and stay.  Hold them dear.  Neither wish for them or avoid them but rather cherish them when they occur.  They are a result of you listening and holding the guiding hand of God.

Transforming Terror into Prose

This is a review of an editorial by Laura Moe on the Creative Nonfiction website Issue #12, 1999.  The article is titled, “About the Author: Leaf Seligman”.  I found each paragraph quotable and this led me to change my thoughts for the day and write about this article.

Leaf Seligman: The very best creative nonfiction tells us about stuff we never would have known about.  This quote grabbed me because I am used to having my own true life commentaries interrupted by those who state the obvious.  There will always be greater and lesser, it goes without saying, so why should I be preempted because someone else has story that is more extreme or tragic than my own current dilemma?  The answer is that people want attention.  All of us want attention.  But the antidote to loneliness isn’t talking about yourself.  Listen!

Leaf Seligman: We all have stories in us that need to be written, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be read.  This one threw me for a loop.  At first, I wondered if this was just rhetorical language but I need to give it a chance.  If her words are taken at face value with no interpolation or assumptions, what could possibly need to be recorded for posterity but not ever read by anyone?  I’m thinking it is the thing we want most forgotten but which must be forever remembered.  The thing that broke us, hurt us, made us give up all hope.  Of course if we are still able to write about them then we were not broken but mended, not hurt but helped, not forsaken but saved.  These are the things that need to be written down for posterity but we might reluctantly read for fear of an emotional unwrap.

You can’t make art out of pain on the same day.  I thought about this one.  When you are savoring the fruits of survival on a breezy overlook with a cool drink and a fresh friend, these are not the result of wise choices or great luck.  There is an old-you that died and decayed and descended and you have grown out of that death and decomposition.  Hallelujah!  That overlook would not be possible without the underworld of terror you went through in your transformation from lost lamb to reigning ram.  Know that every lost pursuit had a foundering purpose and that the person you were pursuing will eventually be the person you will become – if you remember your path.

If you want to be a better prose writer, write as much poetry as you can, and likewise.  I like this because I like poetry.  Well, aphorisms and lyrics and rhymes.  No one has accused me of writing legitimate poetry but there are people who wish I would stop.  Sometimes I take a thought or a thought from a poem, and expand it in a poetic many.  For me this is a way to get to the essence of the thought.  Once I have arrive at an essence that rings true to my sentiments, then I can go back an work on the prose the will expand and detail it.  Give it life here on earth in simple words that began with ethereal poetry.

All that matters is… how you remember it.  OK, another tough one.  This quote, I think, has to do with what reality taught you, not what reality did.  Can you feel me?  It doesn’t matter whether your midget race car was red with white wheels or white with red wheels, but it does matter that you raced until you eighty pounds too heavy to fit into the cockpit and that you met your first love at the race track and when you both outgrew your individual cockpits you fell out of those stressed and straining vehicles and fell into each others groping and grasping arms.  Falling in love always involves a falling out if your life is at all on track.

Sometimes it takes other people to tell you what your writing is about.  Amen here.  I have been perfectly thrilled with my writing until a barely attentive writing group pointed out that I had used all three tense in three consecutive sentences.  That I had head-hopped to the extent no knew who killed, screwed, lied to who.  That my subtext had taken my readers to a very different place than I intended – a very disturbing and disgusting place which said more about me than I wanted to know.  Have someone look at your stuff, not just for grammar, but for lucidity.  Trust me on this.  Don’t listen to the rare geniuses who don’t need editors.

I would not have gotten better as a writer without people saying “Ok, Leaf this does work, but this doesn’t.”  Again, genuine criticism is gold. It goes without saying that quick criticism is almost always interpolation if not jealousy.  If the criticism rings true, put it in your pocket.  If it wrings you, tell them to stuff it.

“When I read my early work, I realize they were really broth, not stew. It’s really humbling and gratifying to reread something six months later and see how you could make it better.”  I with her.  So was Shakespeare.  Taking something that was already written in the past and making it better is almost guaranteed.  You have matured and learned and perfected.  Look back and do the same for your prose.

“Whatever is most pressing will scratch at the door and it will tell you when to let it in, and out. Write what compels you most and find the time and space to do it. Make everything you write a love letter to the world.”  Ain’t that the truth.  Someone’s scratching at your door?  Creative Nonfiction?  Someone’s  ringin’ your bell?  Absurdism?  Do me a favor.  Let ’em in.

Immigration – What are THEY Saying and Doing Past and Present?

Immigration, you hear about immigration every day if you listen to the news.  We hear how it brings us crime.  We are told that we are losing jobs.  We fear that it is bringing us disease.  Do illegal aliens bring illegal, immoral and infectious things from there world lets look at what is said and what is actually being done, are you with me?

If you want to stop illegal immigration, you have to make it so that people who hire illegal immigrants won’t be in a position to hire them.  Jesse Ventura

States have had inherent authority to enforce immigration laws when the federal government has refused to do so.  Russell Pierce

For a period of several years, beginning with 1656, the records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and indeed of all of the New England Colonies, except Rhode Island, are filled with legislation designed to prevent the coming of the __________ and the spread of their ‘accursed tenets.’

The year 1717,lame, impotent, or infirm persons were prohibited from entering without providing security that the town into which they settled would not be charged with their support.

In England itself, the naturalization process required a profession of Christian faith and proof that an individual had taken the Sacrament in a Protestant church. As noted in this law for the colonies, exception was made for Quakers and Jews but specifically not for Roman Catholics (referred to in the law as Papists).

[T]he VAWA [Violence Against Women Act] provides a temporary visa and creates a pathway to legalization for undocumented immigrants who are the victims of domestic abuse.

2011, The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an Arizona law that imposes sanctions against businesses that hire illegal immigrants.  Numerous organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce, argued the state’s law was preempted by the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which forbids states from imposing sanctions for hiring illegal immigrants…

2000, Directs the Attorney General to grant refugee status in the United States to any alien (and the parent, spouse, or child of such alien) who: (1) is a national of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China, or any of the independent states of the former Soviet Union; and (2) personally delivers into U.S. custody a living American Vietnam War POW or MIA.

1954, Operation Wetback originated in pressure from the Mexican government to stop illegal alien entry of Mexican illegal laborers to the United States.
1943, Bracero Program Brings 5,000,000 Mexican Temporary Laborers to Work in US Farms and Railroads in a 22-Year Period.

Feb. 19, 1923 – US Supreme Court Decides in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind That Asian Indians Do Not Qualify for Naturalization because They Are Not Considered “White”.

the specific intent of randomly killing Mexicans…solely because of their Latino ethnicity, beating up Mexicans…I advocate using extreme violence against illegal aliens. Clean your guns. Have plenty of ammunition.

David Ritcheson, 16, is attacked by racist skinheads at a house party after supposedly trying to kiss a white girl. A year later, the teenager commited suicide.  Before his death, he assisted the Anti-Defamation League in creating an anti-hate program at his alma mater, Klein Collins High School.

Gilberto Mejía, owner of the Mexican grocery store Carnicería Los Primos, is verbally assaulted by anti-immigration activist June Griffin, who barges into the store and tears down a Mexican flag. Griffin then allegedly harasses Mejía and leaves threatening phone messages, which Mejia saves for police. “It was an act of war,” says Griffin, who has unsuccessfully run for the U.S. House of Representatives as a Republican.

Pub Theology – Is it a waste of time?

Churches are trying to stave off decline.  The young are defying tradition and seem to find near religion in low humor and getting high, especially on beer.  Is Pub Theology a simple solution to a complex problem or just simple?  Brian Berghoef, author of “Pub Theology: Beer, Conversation and God”, explores these and similar questions in a Huffington Post blog inappropriately (but sensationally) titled, “Pub Theology Is a Waste of Time”.

Why talk when you can do?  With all that needs to be done in this world, why sit and consume alcohol when you could be out saving the world.  Instead, you sit on your considerable arse and talk about THEM.  The problem as you see it.  Well, some of those attendees ARE doing something about THEM.  If you’re only paying attention to various conversations, sidebar conversations, and event rants you might miss the point.  Genuine words from selfless people serving humanity joyfully.  You may be talking over them.  You may be looking down at their apparent lack of intellect.  If you unaware of these people in your presence at PT, you are missing out on the most important part.  The part that matters.

The one thing that you can be sure of is that a beer fest/feast put on by christian organization will attract more Buddhists, atheists, Jews and “free-thinkers” who show up to fill the twelve chairs you arranged around three tables in a small tavern on a single Tuesday night to attract new church folk.  Though the conversations may resemble the Tower of Babel at one table and a graduate lecture at another and a comedy workshop at still another, something is happening.  While some people never return, some always return, and others connect or conclude or are convinced of something.

Something is happening when the Questions of the Night are lost when the group tangents take flight.  Nothing is happening that does not have potential for group or individual reflection and consideration.  All that is happening can perhaps affect the quiet person beside you or the outspoken colleague across the slightly slippery and snack crowded surface.  All walks of life walk into this scene and each has the possibility of staying.  Every unique personality that peeks through the metaphorical curtains of Pub Theology has something to leave and may find something to take.  Talking about similar interests and diverse opinions are the solution to dissension in this divided world if each and every participant will commit to a single act: Listen.

Active listening and respectful acceptance are the doing that takes place in Pub Theology and may lead a more fully engaged individual doing, whether it be with the sponsoring church or not.  The metaphor of moist clay may be used here.  What is the harm of change triggered by beer and conversation?  Change is good when it brings people out of their shell and into the light, whatever that light is.  Intentions are important.  One may start attending PT because of stark isolation and find bountiful and good company.  Another might seek to school the silly Christians on their fallacious notions and open their own beliefs to wider understanding, capacity and reverence.

The contemplation after the event complements the noise that has just dissipated from one’s ears.  The patience and love that is carried in by one person can surely leave with another sincere soul.  No specific achievement may be reached in a single visit.  A seeker may have experience many events glean from each one.  However, the potential is there for real and renewed belief in others and in spirit and in oneself.  None of it should taken lightly and all of it can be taken with thee.

For greater benefit there must be greater discipline.  Getting more out Pub Theology means spending time contemplating it, whether that be prayer, external discussion, or even blogging.  Even though there always needs to be something it it for me, I should never forget about THEM.  Not the THEM many of us blame in our circuitous commentary on PT questions but the them who also came looking for something and listening for genuine conversation.

Stereotypes are at the greatest risk at Pub Theology because they are all seated about you and they resist, you will find, category.  The best insight you will have is seeing the world through the eyes of the outcast, the vilified and the forgotten.  What is sacred to them probably isn’t sacred to you but will be able to understand it for the first time because you listened.  Every prejudice has a story and each story has moral when heartfelt beliefs fly from another’s lips and fall on soft ears.

Something is happening in those taverns.  No one attends without intention.  We know their are barriers that keep us from others, be it churches or family members or races.  These barriers can fall and a community can be buoyed just as Pub Theology groups around the world are lifting a pint and raising self-awareness.